Convertible Car Rental in Nantes Convertible

Find the Best Convertible Car for Rental in Nantes

Finding a convertible car rental in Nantes can be time-consuming and exhausting. Luckily, has you covered with exclusive deals on all the best outdoor gear. With just a few clicks, you will receive a list of convertible car rentals in Nantes and all the other gear you could want for your trip!


Convertible car rentals are quickly becoming popular. You can use your car just like a traditional vehicle, or you can use the retractable roof to turn your rental into a convertible.


Rent a convertible car in Nantes for your next trip and have a lot of fun along the way.


Renting a convertible car in Nantes will let you enjoy the sights and sounds of the city as you explore. Convertible cars are also ideal for having a romantic drive along the coast.


A convertible car rental in Nantes is ranked 8.1 out of 10 based on more than 10 reviews.

What to know about convertible car rentals in Nantes

When booking convertible car rentals always make sure

To check if convertible is available in your rental location
To bring a valid drivers license to avoid unexpected surprises when picking up your car
To get to know the roads a little in advance as studies show that accidents happen more often on unfamiliar roads

Top Convertible offers in Nantes

Convertible Car Rental in Nantes Convertible
Supplier logo undefined
Nantes Airport
Seats: 4Baggage: 3
Doors: 3Automatic
Price per day fromUSDUS$ 62.11
* Disclaimer: Prices displayed may not reflect today's rates.

Top convertible suppliers in Nantes

Frequently asked questions

How can I rent a convertible car in Nantes?
You can rent a convertible car in Nantes by using Simply search for "convertible rental in Nantes" on the website and you will find a variety of car deals.
Are there any cheap convertible cars available for rental in Nantes?
Yes, offers a range of convertible cars at affordable prices. You can find the cheapest convertible car deals by searching for "cheapest convertible" on their website. Prices start from 78.11 US$/day.
What types of convertible cars are available for rental in Nantes?
You can find a variety of convertible car types available for rental in Nantes, France. From Ford Mustang convertibles to similar models, there are options to suit your preferences.
Can I book a convertible car rental online?
Absolutely! allows you to conveniently book a convertible car rental online. Simply visit their website, find the right car for your trip to France, and make a reservation.
What happens if I need to pick up and drop off the car at different locations in Nantes?
If you need to pick up and drop off the car at different locations within Nantes, provides options for such arrangements. Additional fees may apply, so make sure to check the rental conditions.
Can I add an additional driver for free when renting a convertible car in Nantes? offers free additional driver options for convertible car rentals in Nantes. You can have someone else share the driving responsibilities at no extra cost.
What if the car I reserved is not available when I arrive in Nantes?
In the rare event that the reserved car is not available when you arrive in Nantes, will ensure that you are provided with a comparable or better alternative. They strive to make sure your car rental experience is great.
How much does it cost per day to rent a convertible car in Nantes?
The cost per day for a convertible car rental in Nantes depends on various factors, including the rental agency and the car model you choose. offers competitive rates, ensuring you get the best price for your rental. Average cost is 78.11 US$/day.