Cheapest out of all the options, honestly quite scared originally due to the reviews (appreciate that usually people usually only say something when bad, but still). I over-prepared by videoing the pick up from desk to car, the whole car, internally, absolutely everything to protect myself. I read the T&Cs 3 times fully, expecting anything that can go wrong, will go wrong... Nothing went wrong, I read the condition that you have to have a receipt to both the agent I picked up from and the agent I dropped off to, they said no need (I had it anyway). They checked the car when dropped off and said no problems at all, fuel all good, signed the form all good, and this car was under 4k on the mileage, so essentially mint condition, so I honestly expected something to flag up, but no. It was massively underwhelming considering how much prep I done, but honestly it s just as I would expect from any other car rental. If you scratch the alloys, then you need insurance or to pay the excess, if you leave rubbish and stain the seats, I d expect them to claim against you for the time. Honestly 5/5 service, nice people and really good price
Chana Johnson
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